Disrupting Traditional Practices

Changing and reshaping our industry by being open to new ideas, new people and new methods

A Digital Future

At Gammon, we are committed to pushing the boundaries further in our business by way of innovation and technological applications to reach the ultimate goal of integrated digital project delivery (IDPD), consolidating processes from design to post-construction using advanced information communications technology and other smart technologies enabled by enriched building information modelling (BIM) so we can build as efficiently and safely as possible.

Our IDPD strategy covers four overall themes: BIM, digital transformation, robotics, and design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA). Our Central Innovation Team is supported by internal units including Virtual Design and Construction, Digital Engineering and Transformation, Robotics, and our subsidiary Digital G which develops the commercial opportunities of in-house developed digital innovations, as well as those of external start-ups.

We have a vision for how we want to operate our business in the future, in a world where the lines between construction and technology, and human and machine, are increasingly blurred but where every project we undertake continues to achieve excellence founded on safety, sustainability and absolute integrity.