Delivering the Best

Complex and multi-disciplinary projects delivered using innovative construction methods that push the boundaries of engineering excellence

Airports & Railways

Project Details

Tseung Kwan O Extension


Hong Kong


MTR Corporation Limited

Contract Value


Construction Period

1999 Q1 - 2002 Q3

The 12.5km Tseung Kwan O Extension became the 6th operational line of Hong Kong's MTR Corporation, and serves Tseung Kwan O new town and Yau Tong. The line opened to the public in late 2002 when five stations, a depot together and two improved existing stations became operational. A further station was added to the line in 2004.

We were responsible for some of the most technically challenging aspects of the project:

Contracts 609A & B: Under these two major contracts we constructed the foundations for the depot at Tsueng Kwan O, comprising a total of 830 bored piles ranging from 1.2 to 2.8 metres in diameter that extend between 35 and 125 metres down into bedrock. Working to a tight schedule to achieve various milestones we successfully deployed over 30 piling rigs to complete the contracts on time.

Contract value: HK$600 million
Construction period: 1999 Q1 - 2000 Q3

Contract 612: In joint venture with China Harbour Engineering Company, we constructed the section of line that connected with the existing Kwun Tong Line at the (road and rail) Eastern Harbour Crossing. Making this connection required us to construct a shallow tunnel under the road approaches of the EHC and demolished the tunnel walls of the existing rail line, maintaining the tunnel box stiffness via an array of ground anchors.

The total scope of works included 2.2 km of cut and cover and bored tunnel, a ventilation building, realignment of 0.5 km of road and the site formation for a new housing development requiring 2.1 millimetres cubed of bulk excavation.

Contract value: HK$600 million
Construction period: 1999 Q1 - 2002 Q3