Project Details
Automatic People Mover (APM) and Baggage Handling System (BHS) at Hong Kong International Airport

Hong Kong
Airport Authority Hong Kong
Contract Value
HK$7.2 billion
Construction Period
2020 – 2024
Gammon Engineering & Construction Limited (‘Gammon’) has been awarded a HK$7.2 billion work contract by Airport Authority Hong Kong to construct tunnels and related works for an automatic people mover (APM) and baggage handling system (BHS) at Hong Kong International Airport.
The APM and BHS Tunnels and Related Works (Contract 3802) forms a major part of the Three Runway Systems (3RS) project at the airport and will facilitate travellers to move between the new Third Runway Concourse and the expanded Terminal 2.
The scope of work includes combined 1.8km-long eight-cell tunnel structures for the APM and BHS systems, 19 ancillary buildings, as well as building services and airport systems installations
We bring a highly mechanised approach to the works that includes the use of specialist plant that will allow us to improve productivity. We have also been able to reduce the labour content of the work using innovative temporary works solutions and have chosen designs that support reuse of struts.
Our modular solutions for 75% of the electrical and mechanical works for the tunnels will mean an increase in activities carried out off site in controlled factory environments for improved end quality of product and safer, more streamlined installation for our workforce.