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Complex and multi-disciplinary projects delivered using innovative construction methods that push the boundaries of engineering excellence

Airports & Railways

Project Details

MTR Shatin to Central Link - Hung Hom North Approach Tunnels


Hong Kong


MTR Corporation

Contract Value

HK$3 billion

Construction Period

2012 Q4 - 2018 Q2

Gammon–Kaden Joint Venture has been awarded a HK$3 billion contract by the MTR Corporation to construct the Hung Hom North Approach Tunnels of the Shatin to Central Link. The project mainly involves the construction of a running tunnel connecting the existing East Rail Line to the Hung Hom Station and another connecting the future Ho Man Tin Station to the Hung Hom Station, having a total length of approximately 1 km. It is constructed by cut-and-cover method with foundations formed on piles.

Other major works include re-provisioning of railway operational facilities, noise enclosure at the south of Tunnel 1A, demolition and reconstruction of Chatham Road Bridge; slope work at Oi Sen Path and underpinning of Hung Hom Bypass bridge.

As construction takes place in a highly urbanised environment, it requires extensive utilities and temporary traffic diversions.

A workforce of over 400 was engaged at the peak of the project’s construction period.