Delivering the Best

Complex and multi-disciplinary projects delivered using innovative construction methods that push the boundaries of engineering excellence

Airports & Railways

Project Details

People's Park MRT Station




Land Transport Authority of Singapore

Contract Value


Construction Period

1997 Q2 - 2002 Q2

A joint venture of Gammon and Econ Piling Pte Ltd was contracted by Singapore's Land Transport Authority to design and construct the People's Park MRT Station on the North East Line.

The project called for the design and construction of a two-level civil defence underground station located in Eu Tong Sen Street and New Bridge Road. The station box, 22 metres deep by 35 to 45 metres wide by 280 metres long, had a 1.5/1.2metres diameter hard-hard secant pile perimeter wall supported at four intermediate levels by twin steel waters and struts.

Excavation of the station was undertaken in stages to suit installation of the four levels of struts. Throughout construction and particularly during excavation, extensive monitoring was undertaken of surrounding structures, ground movements, secant wall movements and strut loading.