Project Details
MTR Express Rail Link – West Kowloon Terminus Approach Tunnel South
Hong Kong
MTR Corporation Limited
Contract Value
HK$3 billion
Construction Period
2010 Q3 - 2018 Q3
Gammon is contributing to China's ambitious rail planes with a contract to build a section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link in the West Kowloon district of Hong Kong. Built through a joint venture with Leighton Asia, the link forms part of China's plan for a national express network.
The project, which provides the transition from the approach tunnel to the terminus at West Kowloon district, involves the construction of 300m of a 'fan' shaped reinforced concrete structure complete with landscaped deck. The construction utilized a cut-and-cover method with foundations formed on piles and diaphragm walls. Extensive temporary utility and traffic arrangements were necessary.
The contract also includes construction of associated plant and support buildings and non-rail related work to enhance connectivity with the local community, such as a public transport interchange and an extensive footbridge network.